Our hats are 100% wool felt carded sheep, entirely handmade in Italy.

The craftsmanship gives life to unique products, which is why every small difference in the color of the hat is not to be considered a defect but a peculiar feature of the texture and the interweaving of the wool itself.

Here are some useful tips for hat care:


- to preserve the shape, do not take the hat from the dome but lift it with both hands using the front and back brim. Do not hang the hat on the same side

- if possible to store the hat in a container, or at least away from sources of light, moisture and heat.


- use a brush (for clothes) with soft bristles to remove any dust residue, following the direction of the hat

- to remove stains, use a slightly damp cloth by gently circular movements

- if the hat gets wet, dab it with a soft cloth. Do not put it in contact with hot objects and a hair dryer.

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